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Pull, is a popular podcatcher that I develop in my free time and it has been a LONG time (78 days in fact) since the last release. What is new and why did it take so long?

Release 2, the most popular release so far was great but also one of the buggiest releases we ever released – no show stoppers just some weird issues. So the delay was to go back and fix, fix, fix and fix some more. LOADS of bugs were killed off and I’ve been running release 3 for a little while and it is solid. I’m very happy with this release.

In between that the bug fixes we got some great new features in.

Forced Refresh Option


Next to the Refresh All Podcasts button is a Force Refresh All Podcasts option, which is brand new. The first one refreshes but does a bunch of checks to increase speed & minimize bandwidth, which is great but sometimes you need to force a refresh cause the server is flaky, well the new button does that.

New Web Browser

imageI have not been happy with the browser option ever, for a long time if you clicked a link in it it would reuse the browser window and that was a poor browser experience. Then we tried to fix that and pop ups could jump out of Pull with no clicks Sad smile Also it used 40Mb of memory too – it was VERY expensive.

I finally got a decent HTML parser in there as a replacement so it provides a nice clean option and links open in your browser. Popups do not get annoying and memory usage is great Smile

Welcome back to Single Folders

The metrics showed me that very few users used the single folder option (i.e. all downloaded files in a single folder) and I removed it to fix up a bunch of other scenarios. Well, those few users were vocal and told me how wrong I was and why that was a killer feature for them. So I could not do anything but get it back in!

Error Reporting Improved

To help with bugs that will pop up (cause bugs are always hiding) we have a shiny new error reporting dialog system which sends all the info we need to fix it and allows you to put in your email address, and more details if you press Add Details.

Looking forward to getting lots of good feedback with this Smile


So go ahead, enjoy your podcasts and PLEASE share your experiences with us on the website!
